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Saturday, March 27, 2010
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Tuesday, March 16, 2010
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Aussiebux turn to scam
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Saturday, March 13, 2010
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Selain itu, Acai Berry juga kaya akan Omega 6 dan Omega 9 sehingga diklaim berguna dalam mengurangi ancaman masalah jantung. Klaim yang tidak kalah penting yaitu Acai Berry berhasil menurunkan berat badan serta meningkatkan kesehatan reproduksi.
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Friday, March 12, 2010
Cara mendapatkan uang dengan shvoong (How to get money with Shvoong)
Shvoong adalah bisnis Paid to Write yang membayar $0.01 setiap ada yang memberikan rate kepada tulisan kita. Setelah $10 maka Shvoong akan mengirimkan uang ke paypal kita. Tulisan yang paling populer dibaca adalah tips, uang, facebook, kesehatan, bisnis online, seks, anak, wanita, buku, internet, trik, drama. Jadi kalian cukup menulis yang popular saja untuk mendatangkan para pembaca. Kalian juga jangan lupa memberitahu kepada teman-teman anda untuk memberikan rating kepada tulisan anda.
Shvoong is a business Paid to Write to pay $ 0.01 each one gives to the writings of our rates. After the $ 10 Shvoong will send money to our paypal. The most popular writings are read tips, money, facebook, health, online business, sex, children, women, books, internet, tricks, drama. So you just write a popular course to bring the readers. You also do not forget to tell your friends to give your rating to writing.
Shvoong is a business Paid to Write to pay $ 0.01 each one gives to the writings of our rates. After the $ 10 Shvoong will send money to our paypal. The most popular writings are read tips, money, facebook, health, online business, sex, children, women, books, internet, tricks, drama. So you just write a popular course to bring the readers. You also do not forget to tell your friends to give your rating to writing.
Thursday, March 11, 2010 : 25 world billionaire 2010
1. Carlos Slim Helu & family(Age 70) Net. Worth($Bil.) 53.5 From Mexico
2. William Gates III (Age 54) Net. Worth ($Bil.) 53.0 From United States
3. Warren Buffett(Age 79)Net. Worth ($Bil.)47.0 From United States
4. Mukesh Ambani(Age 52)Net. Worth ($Bil.)29.0 From India
5. Lakshmi Mittal(Age 59)Net. Worth ($Bil.)28.7 From United Kingdom
6. Lawrence Ellison(Age 65)Net. Worth ($Bil.)28.0 From United States
7. Bernard Arnault(Age 61)Net. Worth ($Bil.)27.5 From France
8. Eike Batista(Age 53)Net. Worth ($Bil.)27.0 From Brazil
9. Amancio Ortega(Age 74)Net. Worth ($Bil.)25.0 From Spain
10.Karl Albrecht(Age 90)Net. Worth ($Bil.)23.5 From Germany
11.Ingvar Kamprad & family(Age 83)Net. Worth ($Bil.)23.0 From Switzerland
12.Christy Walton & family(Age 55) Net. Worth ($Bil.)22.5 From United States
13.Stefan Persson(Age 62)Net. Worth ($Bil.)22.4 From Sweden
14.Li Ka-shing(Age 81)Net. Worth ($Bil.) 21.0 From Hong Kong
15.Jim Walton(Age 62)Net. Worth ($Bil.) 20.7 From United States
16.Alice Walton(Age 60)Net. Worth ($Bil.)20.6 From United States
17.Liliane Bettencourt(Age 87) Net. Worth ($Bil.)20.0 From France
18.S. Robson Walton(Age 66)Net. Worth ($Bil.)19.8 From United States
19.Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud(Age 55) Net. Worth ($Bil.)19.4 From Saudi Arabia
20.David Thomson & family(Age 52)Net. Worth ($Bil.)19.0 From Canada
21.Michael Otto & family(Age 66)Net. Worth ($Bil.)18.7 From Germany
22.Lee Shau Kee(Age 82)Net. Worth ($Bil.)18.5 From Hong Kong
23.Michael Bloomberg(Age 68) Net. Worth ($Bil.)18.0 From United States
24.Sergey Brin(Age 36)Net. Worth ($Bil.) 17.5 From United States
24.Charles Koch(Age 74) Net. Worth ($Bil.)17.5 From United States
2. William Gates III (Age 54) Net. Worth ($Bil.) 53.0 From United States
3. Warren Buffett(Age 79)Net. Worth ($Bil.)47.0 From United States
4. Mukesh Ambani(Age 52)Net. Worth ($Bil.)29.0 From India
5. Lakshmi Mittal(Age 59)Net. Worth ($Bil.)28.7 From United Kingdom
6. Lawrence Ellison(Age 65)Net. Worth ($Bil.)28.0 From United States
7. Bernard Arnault(Age 61)Net. Worth ($Bil.)27.5 From France
8. Eike Batista(Age 53)Net. Worth ($Bil.)27.0 From Brazil
9. Amancio Ortega(Age 74)Net. Worth ($Bil.)25.0 From Spain
10.Karl Albrecht(Age 90)Net. Worth ($Bil.)23.5 From Germany
11.Ingvar Kamprad & family(Age 83)Net. Worth ($Bil.)23.0 From Switzerland
12.Christy Walton & family(Age 55) Net. Worth ($Bil.)22.5 From United States
13.Stefan Persson(Age 62)Net. Worth ($Bil.)22.4 From Sweden
14.Li Ka-shing(Age 81)Net. Worth ($Bil.) 21.0 From Hong Kong
15.Jim Walton(Age 62)Net. Worth ($Bil.) 20.7 From United States
16.Alice Walton(Age 60)Net. Worth ($Bil.)20.6 From United States
17.Liliane Bettencourt(Age 87) Net. Worth ($Bil.)20.0 From France
18.S. Robson Walton(Age 66)Net. Worth ($Bil.)19.8 From United States
19.Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud(Age 55) Net. Worth ($Bil.)19.4 From Saudi Arabia
20.David Thomson & family(Age 52)Net. Worth ($Bil.)19.0 From Canada
21.Michael Otto & family(Age 66)Net. Worth ($Bil.)18.7 From Germany
22.Lee Shau Kee(Age 82)Net. Worth ($Bil.)18.5 From Hong Kong
23.Michael Bloomberg(Age 68) Net. Worth ($Bil.)18.0 From United States
24.Sergey Brin(Age 36)Net. Worth ($Bil.) 17.5 From United States
24.Charles Koch(Age 74) Net. Worth ($Bil.)17.5 From United States
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
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Saturday, March 6, 2010
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Friday, March 5, 2010
SR 6.4 Earthquake Shake Taiwan
Taipei - An earthquake measuring 6.4 has rocked Taiwan SR and decide transportation, Thursday (4 / 3) morning. There are no reports of casualties or major damage.
"Center quake, which shook at 08.18 o'clock local time (07.18 GMT), located in the mountains around the city of Kaohsiung, southern Taiwan at a depth of 5 kilometers," the Central Weather Bureau information local.
Taiwan still uses the Richter scale for measuring earthquake intensity. U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said, the earthquake force 6.4 SR. Level it is revised from the previous 6.5 release SR. Also mentioned the depth reached 35 kilometers.
The earthquake was felt in the capital Taipei, where many buildings shook for several minutes. Service in half the high-speed rail in southern Taiwan, which connects Taipei with the southern region to a halt.
Earthquakes often occur in Taiwan, which lies in the path of the current Pacific valley according to the science of earthquakes. One of the worst earthquake recorded in September 1999. 7.6 magnitude earthquake SR yangyang it, killing more than 2400 people and destroying or damaging thousands of buildings 50
"Center quake, which shook at 08.18 o'clock local time (07.18 GMT), located in the mountains around the city of Kaohsiung, southern Taiwan at a depth of 5 kilometers," the Central Weather Bureau information local.
Taiwan still uses the Richter scale for measuring earthquake intensity. U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said, the earthquake force 6.4 SR. Level it is revised from the previous 6.5 release SR. Also mentioned the depth reached 35 kilometers.
The earthquake was felt in the capital Taipei, where many buildings shook for several minutes. Service in half the high-speed rail in southern Taiwan, which connects Taipei with the southern region to a halt.
Earthquakes often occur in Taiwan, which lies in the path of the current Pacific valley according to the science of earthquakes. One of the worst earthquake recorded in September 1999. 7.6 magnitude earthquake SR yangyang it, killing more than 2400 people and destroying or damaging thousands of buildings 50
Main accused Jolie's heart with Johnny Depp
Lover Johnny Depp, Vanessa Paradis did not believe in Angelina Jolie. He felt Angelina Jolie intends to seduce her lover is. He felt Jolie has a purpose for her role with the man who had given him two children.
Vanessa began to feel suspicious when Jolie has a desire to capture Johnny Depp from his side was when she got Jolie was so excited and enthused during a sex scene with her boyfriend was in the movie 'The Tourist'.
Artist from France is sure when Jolie was like teasing and seducing Johnny Depp.
Vanessa reportedly plans to ask Johnny Depp to withdraw from the movie. He learned from experience when Jolie Brad Pitt won by Jennifer Aniston when they starred in the film 'Mr & Mrs Smith'. He did not want to do with Johnny Depp same fate.
"Vanessa got when there is a sex scene between Depp with Jolie is very real and hot," said the source was quoted as saying by Showbizspy, Friday, March 5, 2010.
That said, Depp reportedly wants to resign from the film. His role in the film would be replaced by Brad Pitt or even Leonardo DiCaprio.
Previously, it had time to get out when Jolie fell in love with that opponent. In fact, had heard the news when your partner Brad Pitt were planning to take Johnny from Vanessa. The issue was that was widely heard.
In fact, due to the news, Brad Pitt accompanied Jolie insisted during the filming in Paris and Venice. In fact, Jolie intends to go shoot myself.
Vanessa began to feel suspicious when Jolie has a desire to capture Johnny Depp from his side was when she got Jolie was so excited and enthused during a sex scene with her boyfriend was in the movie 'The Tourist'.
Artist from France is sure when Jolie was like teasing and seducing Johnny Depp.
Vanessa reportedly plans to ask Johnny Depp to withdraw from the movie. He learned from experience when Jolie Brad Pitt won by Jennifer Aniston when they starred in the film 'Mr & Mrs Smith'. He did not want to do with Johnny Depp same fate.
"Vanessa got when there is a sex scene between Depp with Jolie is very real and hot," said the source was quoted as saying by Showbizspy, Friday, March 5, 2010.
That said, Depp reportedly wants to resign from the film. His role in the film would be replaced by Brad Pitt or even Leonardo DiCaprio.
Previously, it had time to get out when Jolie fell in love with that opponent. In fact, had heard the news when your partner Brad Pitt were planning to take Johnny from Vanessa. The issue was that was widely heard.
In fact, due to the news, Brad Pitt accompanied Jolie insisted during the filming in Paris and Venice. In fact, Jolie intends to go shoot myself.
Mickey Rourke Fuck 14 Women In Overnight Mickey Rourke Ashley Cole's infidelity considered mediocre.
Actor Mickey Rourke is very proud of the predicate as a lover of women. In fact, bluntly acknowledge the senior actor when he slept with 14 women in a single night.
"I've spent my weekend in the UK with 14 women slept in one night," said Mickey Rourke as quoted by Contactmusic, Friday, March 5, 2010.
Cool famous actor was also asked not to exaggerate the problem footballer Ashley Cole's infidelity with five women.
Affair footballer who played in the Chelsea soccer club made a marriage with singer Cheryl Cole threatened divorce. Mickey also said if that is Ashley is still mediocre.
"Forget about Ashley Cole, what he did not how compared with Hollywood stars. Footballer England still lost by Hollywood movie star," he added.
Not only that, the actor who had just won the prestigious Golden Globes event that claimed he also had sex with women sexy women in Hollywood, including Terry Farrell and Carre Otis
"I've spent my weekend in the UK with 14 women slept in one night," said Mickey Rourke as quoted by Contactmusic, Friday, March 5, 2010.
Cool famous actor was also asked not to exaggerate the problem footballer Ashley Cole's infidelity with five women.
Affair footballer who played in the Chelsea soccer club made a marriage with singer Cheryl Cole threatened divorce. Mickey also said if that is Ashley is still mediocre.
"Forget about Ashley Cole, what he did not how compared with Hollywood stars. Footballer England still lost by Hollywood movie star," he added.
Not only that, the actor who had just won the prestigious Golden Globes event that claimed he also had sex with women sexy women in Hollywood, including Terry Farrell and Carre Otis
Mutation Detection Flu Mexico First Pig
Mexico City - Mexico's health authorities have confirmed the first mutation A/H1N1 viruses or commonly known as swine flu. Mexico is a country of origin of this virus.
"We confirm the first mutation in a girl who survived the disease transmission. Although this is the first, there are still 423 other cases, "said the Mexican Minister of Health Jose Angel Cordova, Thursday (4 / 3).
Cordova said the girls were treated two months ago at a hospital in the capital because of respiratory illness. He then returned again with a case of pneumonia, weight and recovered from the disease.
Minister of Health to contact anyone who faces the risk factors that can make them more susceptible to the virus to be vaccinated. He warned that the virus could mutate at any time, with serious consequences.
Some officials said that 1088 people have been killed in Mexico due to the virus, which is often referred to as swine flu since the outbreak first emerged in the country in April 2009. Nearly 16 thousand people have died worldwide from the virus sequence after the virus had spread to 212 countries and territories.
World Health Organization (WHO) last month declared too early to announce that a global flu epidemic peak has passed while infection is still rising in some areas such as western Africa.
"We confirm the first mutation in a girl who survived the disease transmission. Although this is the first, there are still 423 other cases, "said the Mexican Minister of Health Jose Angel Cordova, Thursday (4 / 3).
Cordova said the girls were treated two months ago at a hospital in the capital because of respiratory illness. He then returned again with a case of pneumonia, weight and recovered from the disease.
Minister of Health to contact anyone who faces the risk factors that can make them more susceptible to the virus to be vaccinated. He warned that the virus could mutate at any time, with serious consequences.
Some officials said that 1088 people have been killed in Mexico due to the virus, which is often referred to as swine flu since the outbreak first emerged in the country in April 2009. Nearly 16 thousand people have died worldwide from the virus sequence after the virus had spread to 212 countries and territories.
World Health Organization (WHO) last month declared too early to announce that a global flu epidemic peak has passed while infection is still rising in some areas such as western Africa.
Rare Fish appeared Earthquake Messenger Strengthen the suspicion that fish will hit the Japanese earthquake, followed by Chile, Haiti, and Taiwan.
Dozens of giant herring caught in the nets of Japanese fishermen in recent weeks.
Based on an ancient superstition, the emergence of these rare herring is a sign that the big earthquake will soon hit the country of the Rising Sun.
The emergence of giant herring are expected to strengthen those who still believe the myth that Japan would soon follow an earthquake hit Chile earthquake on Saturday last week, Haiti earthquake on January 12 last, and the earthquake in southern Taiwan last Thursday morning.
As reported The Telegraph newspaper, Thursday, March 4, 2010, active tectonic movements around the Pacific Ring of Fire raised fears that Japan, the countries most vulnerable to earthquakes, is the next great earthquake victims.
Anxiety is coupled with the unexpected appearance of fish known as 'messengers' from the Palace of the Sea Gods.
Harring giant fish can grow to five meters long and is usually found at depths of 1000 meters in the sea. Giant herring rarely appeared in the depths of only 200 meters from the sea surface. But this was different.
Ten giant herring fish found on the beach and in the nets of the fishermen in Ishikawa prefecture. While half a dozen other fishing nets caught Toyama prefecture. Dozens of other fish caught in Kyoto, Shimane, and Nagasaki, all located in northern waters.
According to traditional Japanese story, this giant herring to the surface ocean and the beach itself to warn residents that an earthquake will hit.
Scientific theories also noted that fish in the sea waters are very sensitive to movements in seismic fault lines. However, experts believe still more high technology to monitor tectonic plate beneath the sea surface.
"In the old days, Japanese people believe that fish can warn of impending earthquakes, especially catfish," said Hiroshi Tajihi, deputy director of the Kobe Earthquake Center, the Daily Telegraph.
"However, it was just superstition and there is no scientific connection between the appearance of the fish with the earthquake," he added.
Based on an ancient superstition, the emergence of these rare herring is a sign that the big earthquake will soon hit the country of the Rising Sun.
The emergence of giant herring are expected to strengthen those who still believe the myth that Japan would soon follow an earthquake hit Chile earthquake on Saturday last week, Haiti earthquake on January 12 last, and the earthquake in southern Taiwan last Thursday morning.
As reported The Telegraph newspaper, Thursday, March 4, 2010, active tectonic movements around the Pacific Ring of Fire raised fears that Japan, the countries most vulnerable to earthquakes, is the next great earthquake victims.
Anxiety is coupled with the unexpected appearance of fish known as 'messengers' from the Palace of the Sea Gods.
Harring giant fish can grow to five meters long and is usually found at depths of 1000 meters in the sea. Giant herring rarely appeared in the depths of only 200 meters from the sea surface. But this was different.
Ten giant herring fish found on the beach and in the nets of the fishermen in Ishikawa prefecture. While half a dozen other fishing nets caught Toyama prefecture. Dozens of other fish caught in Kyoto, Shimane, and Nagasaki, all located in northern waters.
According to traditional Japanese story, this giant herring to the surface ocean and the beach itself to warn residents that an earthquake will hit.
Scientific theories also noted that fish in the sea waters are very sensitive to movements in seismic fault lines. However, experts believe still more high technology to monitor tectonic plate beneath the sea surface.
"In the old days, Japanese people believe that fish can warn of impending earthquakes, especially catfish," said Hiroshi Tajihi, deputy director of the Kobe Earthquake Center, the Daily Telegraph.
"However, it was just superstition and there is no scientific connection between the appearance of the fish with the earthquake," he added.
The Pentagon attack is suspected perpetrators of the Military Hate
Perpetrators of the shooting at the Department of Defense (Pentagon) in Washington DC, United States (U.S.), allegedly to save hatred of the military and dubious facts behind the terror attacks 11 September 2001. Motif shootings subway station (subway) next to the Pentagon's own complex is unknown.
Page of the Los Angeles Times reported that the perpetrators named John Patrick Bedell, 36 years old. Bedell was shot dead after shooting two police officers to suffer injuries.
In an article on the internet, known to a writer named JPatrickBedell, once wrote that he wanted justice for the death of Colonel James Sabow Marines in Orange County in 1991 be upheld.
The author says, the case will be Sabow death step towards revealing the truth behind the terrorist attacks on the twin towers of the World Trade Center, September 11, 2001.
The same paper the author expresses opposition to the U.S. government law enforcement regarding marijuana. The author also inserts a number of links with news on the 2006 court case involving the Orange County itself, the planting marijuana, and against a police officer.
Data stored in the database indicates that the court date of birth in accordance with the user JPatrickBedell birth date John Patrick Bedell.
Sector Police Chief Pentagon, Richard Keevil, reveals that the principal seeks to enter the complex, the Pentagon through the subway terminal at 18:40 local time (Friday morning, West Indonesia time). However, he was stopped by two policemen guarding the route to the Pentagon.
Calmly, he pulled a pistol from the bag and immediately opened fire on the clothes of two policemen. "He seemed very calm and showed no emotion on his face," says Keevil.
Two policemen were no less swift langung counterfire spewed with semi-automatic weapons. All three were injured, but two policemen suffered minor injuries only and not to be fatal. While the shooter is reported only suffered severe injuries.
Page of the Los Angeles Times reported that the perpetrators named John Patrick Bedell, 36 years old. Bedell was shot dead after shooting two police officers to suffer injuries.
In an article on the internet, known to a writer named JPatrickBedell, once wrote that he wanted justice for the death of Colonel James Sabow Marines in Orange County in 1991 be upheld.
The author says, the case will be Sabow death step towards revealing the truth behind the terrorist attacks on the twin towers of the World Trade Center, September 11, 2001.
The same paper the author expresses opposition to the U.S. government law enforcement regarding marijuana. The author also inserts a number of links with news on the 2006 court case involving the Orange County itself, the planting marijuana, and against a police officer.
Data stored in the database indicates that the court date of birth in accordance with the user JPatrickBedell birth date John Patrick Bedell.
Sector Police Chief Pentagon, Richard Keevil, reveals that the principal seeks to enter the complex, the Pentagon through the subway terminal at 18:40 local time (Friday morning, West Indonesia time). However, he was stopped by two policemen guarding the route to the Pentagon.
Calmly, he pulled a pistol from the bag and immediately opened fire on the clothes of two policemen. "He seemed very calm and showed no emotion on his face," says Keevil.
Two policemen were no less swift langung counterfire spewed with semi-automatic weapons. All three were injured, but two policemen suffered minor injuries only and not to be fatal. While the shooter is reported only suffered severe injuries.
Jolie Have Sex With Mick Jagger
Again, love life Angelina Jolie leaked to the public. This time a writer, revealed that the sexy-lipped actress had sex with Mick Jagger
Jenny Paul, that's the name of the author. Paul published a book called 'Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie: The True Story. "
Reported by The Sun, Friday (5/3/2010), Paul claims to have researched the couple for six years. That's why he dared to publish a book and reveal the veil Jolie romance with a series of men.
In his book, one of the men mentioned had a date with Angelina Jolie is a well-lipped rocker sexy, Mick Jagger. Jagger affair from his wife, Jerry Hall, while seeing the stars 'Tomb Raider' is.
Jagger mentioned began having sex with actress Angelina Jolie after 34 years it appears in the video Rolling Stones' Anybody Seen My Baby. " Video was released in 1997.
In 2003, vocalist of the Rolling Stones back to sleep with my Jolie. The scandal is dilakoni Jolie romance, two years before she started seeing Pitt.
In his book, Paul also revealed, Jolie had a date with actor Colin Farrell. Both of them get together after playing in the movie "Alexander."
Jenny Paul, that's the name of the author. Paul published a book called 'Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie: The True Story. "
Reported by The Sun, Friday (5/3/2010), Paul claims to have researched the couple for six years. That's why he dared to publish a book and reveal the veil Jolie romance with a series of men.
In his book, one of the men mentioned had a date with Angelina Jolie is a well-lipped rocker sexy, Mick Jagger. Jagger affair from his wife, Jerry Hall, while seeing the stars 'Tomb Raider' is.
Jagger mentioned began having sex with actress Angelina Jolie after 34 years it appears in the video Rolling Stones' Anybody Seen My Baby. " Video was released in 1997.
In 2003, vocalist of the Rolling Stones back to sleep with my Jolie. The scandal is dilakoni Jolie romance, two years before she started seeing Pitt.
In his book, Paul also revealed, Jolie had a date with actor Colin Farrell. Both of them get together after playing in the movie "Alexander."
Israeli troops raided Facebook Users
The Israeli army raided today's busy soldiers who were avid surf the pages of social networking, Facebook. The leaders also warned the men about the dangers to update the status for duty, especially when in the middle of a military operation.
Israeli military statement like that monitored the Associated Press, Thursday, 4 March 2010. The campaign was imposed after the military leadership of Israel canceled a plan to attack the Palestinian territories in the West Bank after a soldier divulged through the status updates on Facebook.
"Uploading [upload] confidential information to social networking pages or Web sites can provide information to other parties who want to know, including foreign intelligence services or the enemy," the Israeli military statement.
"Intelligence agents enemies can scan the data via the Internet to gather information about the Israeli Defense Forces, which could interfere with the success of an operation and endanger the troops," continued the statement.
Thus, all Israeli soldiers are actively serving not publish confidential information, including images containing military data.
One way the anti-Facebook campaign on a military barracks by placing posters illustrated the leaders of nations or groups hostile to Israel, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (Iran), Bashar Assad (Syria) and Sheik Hassan Nasrallah (Hezbollah).
Under each picture there are leaders with the icon Facebook logo "Friend Request" with the caption "Do you think everyone's friend?"
Israeli military statement like that monitored the Associated Press, Thursday, 4 March 2010. The campaign was imposed after the military leadership of Israel canceled a plan to attack the Palestinian territories in the West Bank after a soldier divulged through the status updates on Facebook.
"Uploading [upload] confidential information to social networking pages or Web sites can provide information to other parties who want to know, including foreign intelligence services or the enemy," the Israeli military statement.
"Intelligence agents enemies can scan the data via the Internet to gather information about the Israeli Defense Forces, which could interfere with the success of an operation and endanger the troops," continued the statement.
Thus, all Israeli soldiers are actively serving not publish confidential information, including images containing military data.
One way the anti-Facebook campaign on a military barracks by placing posters illustrated the leaders of nations or groups hostile to Israel, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (Iran), Bashar Assad (Syria) and Sheik Hassan Nasrallah (Hezbollah).
Under each picture there are leaders with the icon Facebook logo "Friend Request" with the caption "Do you think everyone's friend?"
Hugo Chávez: Haiti Earthquake Tectonic Weapons Testing U.S.
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez gave the U.S. a serious accusation. He menengarai earthquake that hit Haiti was not an earthquake but caused by ordinary weapons belonged to the U.S..
According to Chavez, the earthquake that shook Haiti January 12, yesterday was the effect of a pilot "tectonic weapons" the U.S. does.
Spanish newspapers published earlier this week that Chavez was quoted saying that the U.S. was "playing to the Lord" with a weapon that could cause such impacts caused natural disasters such as earthquakes.
Weapons test "earthquake" that Chavez continued, conducted off the coast of Haiti that caused the earthquake that killed over 100,000 people of Haiti. Speculation that an earthquake measuring 7 on the Richter scale that hit Haiti was not ordinary earthquake, also quoted by many news media in Venezuela is expected that the earthquake may have something to do with the HAARP project is being worked on the U.S..
HAARP, or High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program is a system that can cause drastic climate change and fierce. HAARP research center in Alaska is aimed at re-configuration layer which envelops the earth, the ionosphere to improve communications satellites.
The suspicion that the U.S. is developing weapons "environmental destroyer" is not without reason that former U.S. Defense Secretary William Cohen in 1997 had expressed concern to the countries that develop weapons "terrorists" who could change the climate conditions, causing earthquakes, mountain erupted and the like by using electromagnetic waves.
Earthquake in Chile also dipergunjingkan by the media critical of the U.S., is also due to HAARP technology. Chile, according to the news, which has proven oil reserves are huge, because that's earthquake in the region made it so that the U.S. would go to prove with the entry of U.S. troops, and then will take the oil reserves
According to Chavez, the earthquake that shook Haiti January 12, yesterday was the effect of a pilot "tectonic weapons" the U.S. does.
Spanish newspapers published earlier this week that Chavez was quoted saying that the U.S. was "playing to the Lord" with a weapon that could cause such impacts caused natural disasters such as earthquakes.
Weapons test "earthquake" that Chavez continued, conducted off the coast of Haiti that caused the earthquake that killed over 100,000 people of Haiti. Speculation that an earthquake measuring 7 on the Richter scale that hit Haiti was not ordinary earthquake, also quoted by many news media in Venezuela is expected that the earthquake may have something to do with the HAARP project is being worked on the U.S..
HAARP, or High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program is a system that can cause drastic climate change and fierce. HAARP research center in Alaska is aimed at re-configuration layer which envelops the earth, the ionosphere to improve communications satellites.
The suspicion that the U.S. is developing weapons "environmental destroyer" is not without reason that former U.S. Defense Secretary William Cohen in 1997 had expressed concern to the countries that develop weapons "terrorists" who could change the climate conditions, causing earthquakes, mountain erupted and the like by using electromagnetic waves.
Earthquake in Chile also dipergunjingkan by the media critical of the U.S., is also due to HAARP technology. Chile, according to the news, which has proven oil reserves are huge, because that's earthquake in the region made it so that the U.S. would go to prove with the entry of U.S. troops, and then will take the oil reserves
Through Computers, Roger Ebert Talking Again
Popular film critic Roger Ebert has completely lost his voice since his jaw cancer surgery nearly four years ago, but that did not stop him from doing sit with Esquire magazine features a startling story in the March edition.
Ebert, 67, has not been able to speak since 2006, when he has a procedure known as a tracheostomy postoperatively - which involves making incisions in the throat the air to pass.
Chicago Sun-Times film reviewer using a special text-to-speech software and good old-fashioned pen and paper to communicate, which is how he was able to conduct interviews Esquire and how he continues to write movie reviews.
He also developed his own form of sign language, in which he traced the letters with his finger in the palm of his hand.
Ebert has undergone several operations, the first for malignant thyroid removed in 2002, then the salivary glands in 2003 and his jaw in 2006. Tracheostomy and complications caused a total loss of speech.
"What else could go wrong?" He joked during an interview Esquire miracle.
FROM 2008: Roger Ebert Back in Hospital
Ebert, whose face was creased by all the operation, shaking his head "no" when asked whether the procedure to help him speak again is a possibility.
Ebert rose to fame co-hosting the TV movie review show At the Movies with Gene Siskel, a reviewer for the Chicago Tribune papers compete, until Siskel's death in 1999. Fellow Sun-Times reporter Richard Roeper took place. A thumbs-up or thumbs-down for each film criticizing the program is a trademark.
Ebert, 67, has not been able to speak since 2006, when he has a procedure known as a tracheostomy postoperatively - which involves making incisions in the throat the air to pass.
Chicago Sun-Times film reviewer using a special text-to-speech software and good old-fashioned pen and paper to communicate, which is how he was able to conduct interviews Esquire and how he continues to write movie reviews.
He also developed his own form of sign language, in which he traced the letters with his finger in the palm of his hand.
Ebert has undergone several operations, the first for malignant thyroid removed in 2002, then the salivary glands in 2003 and his jaw in 2006. Tracheostomy and complications caused a total loss of speech.
"What else could go wrong?" He joked during an interview Esquire miracle.
FROM 2008: Roger Ebert Back in Hospital
Ebert, whose face was creased by all the operation, shaking his head "no" when asked whether the procedure to help him speak again is a possibility.
Ebert rose to fame co-hosting the TV movie review show At the Movies with Gene Siskel, a reviewer for the Chicago Tribune papers compete, until Siskel's death in 1999. Fellow Sun-Times reporter Richard Roeper took place. A thumbs-up or thumbs-down for each film criticizing the program is a trademark. scam
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Monday, March 1, 2010
Gagabux another Neobux
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